Wednesday 6 April 2016

The old guy with a guitar

One fine evening, I was having a series of interesting conversation with one of my French friends. Our mood was nevertheless on an equal plane- quite upset, yet optimistic and full of energy. In between sharing our tastes for various forms of music, I curiously asked him, ''Hey, have you heard of Leonard Cohen? '' It should have been an expected NO as most of the people that I know of do not know Cohen. To my surprise, my friend obliviously replied, ''Oh yes! That Old guy with a guitar ? ''
Although, I missed the opportunity of explaining about Cohen to him, I was at ease because he already knew about the *magic*

When you have put your heart on sleeves for too long, or having a dead monotonous day; when the horizon breaks your soul and the spirit cry out for emancipation, when the faith floats on a thin ice and your pillow kisses your teary eyes; when you have wore too much of your body that walking a step more looks impossible; when you want to shout out but swallow the bitter pill for you know there is no body to hear your voice; when you have enough of hollowness inside for you have given too much out of wisdom and there is nothing you could do, but wait for the time to heal your wounds; when you feel this world has underrated your worth and all you have got is a burdened life to live; In order to heal and set yourself free-  you listen to Cohen's songs

When the joy of love and life comes together and hugs you tight, when you feel reconciled with everything around and that ''everything'' loves you back with all its might; when you dance solitary out of gratitude and love, or you let your lover kiss you too deep; when the flowers seem like a priceless jewel to you and the jewel appear like just another piece of materialistic temptation; when the despair of longing is washed away by the excitement of enjoying the wait; when you know love has knocked your door once again and you want to surrender even more of yourself this time; When there are no dark rooms left for regrets, and there are no fenced imaginations- Then you listen to Cohen's songs

I am a music lover and despite listening to every kind of music, depending on my mood, of course, I am more inclined towards a sane lyrics that is well beaded into the musical strings. Cohen's music is one such thing that I can go on talking about. His deep voice resonates a lot of emotions that sways perfectly along with the music. I love this man! This generation is a typical mainstream lover. They go by what's hyped and tend to tune their reflexes in accordance with the number of likes on a song. To me, it's different. A lyrics that kisses every senses,every bit of your emotions and that penetrates all into your soul.. that is my kind of music. So, I can dance to the choir of his beautiful compositions endlessly, enjoying every sheet and even the pauses between the notes.  Yes, I am one such crazy fan !

There's an attic where children are playing,
Where I've got to lie down with you soon,
In a dream of Hungarian lanterns,
In the mist of some sweet afternoon
And I'll see what you've chained to your sorrow
All your sheep and your lilies of snow
Take this waltz, take this waltz
With its ''I'll never forget you, you know!''

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