Sunday 30 December 2018

Before the 365th

The intent to write this blog has been nothing, but coincidental. Considering the fact that my curiosity has unfolded manifold since the beginning of 2018, I'd have engrossed myself into it long back. Perhaps, I was too naive to subjugate my passion for writing about things that commonly go unheard, overlooked by myself in the first place, let alone others.

How often have you felt yourself caught up in a myriad of questions that you dare not ask them? 
I would not be surprised if you feel that more often than not. And I'd certainly find it hard to believe if your answer was NO. 

I am writing this blog to put forth all my questions, confusions, experiences and even obscure thoughts here with a shady hope to have them answered someday by myself, if not, by one of you. Not every answer is comforting. But I do not fancy that either. There are subjects that are drawn in the open in hundred different ways by hundred different minds. I desire no refutations here, but readers that feel good reading my posts and conjugate them with their thought patterns.

My profession is Programming. I go to work every day, see my wonderful colleagues, solve the assigned tickets, brainstorm ideas about progression of the project, and try hard to translate from Dutch to English in my head at the lunch table (sometimes the giggles also). There is so much to learn all the time at work, from people around and the topics that I encounter everyday. Nevertheless, the non-technical aspect of my being is not into conditional loops or whatsoever, but design. I like to read and learn about people, history, culture, religion, anthropology but most importantly the HOWs and WHYs behind everything. That sets my morals, and eventually that's what serves me best as an individual. I do not want to JUST believe.

I grew up with books all around me, and a profoundly dichotomous society. So, the books taught me Earth and people retaliated back with Eve. That only stirred my perplexed little brain. Time cooked up some answers to the questions, some are yet to be answered and I'd be happy to have few of them remain unanswered.

All the boggling WHYs and HOWs in my mind that are hard to express by simply asking someone, I intend to write, like I used to do about the extincting sparrows at my door 15 years ago.

Until next time !